Commercial Construction

What Is Commercial Construction?

Before going ahead with commercial construction, one should know the other types of construction too. There are four important types of construction. Here are these:

Residential Building

All those buildings, where we live, are known as residential buildings. For example, residential buildings include flats and houses.

Institutional And Commercial Buildings

Examples of commercial buildings are schools, hospitals, shopping centers, retail stores, sports arenas, stadiums, and others where we can do business.

Specialized Industrial Construction

This category of construction requires special skills and a high level of specialization. This construction includes oil refineries, nuclear power plants, and hydroelectric power plants etcetera.

Infrastructure And Heavy Construction.

These heavy constructions are done for the public interest. However, most government agencies manage these projects. For example, railway constructions, roads, tunnels, bridges, highways, pipelines, and drainage systems.

Among all these types of construction, this article is concerned only with commercial constructions. As mentioned above commercial constructions are concerned with retail stores, schools, colleges, universities, shopping centers, stadiums, hospitals, sports arenas, and etcetera.

In this project, we need to cover two things. The first one is to give a new look and put up a new structure. And then, we have to take care of the pre-existing structures too. While construction, the constructors have to make sure to make and repair all the preexisting structures.

Private owners and companies pay for small projects like retail stores. However, when it comes to large projects like stadiums, schools, and hospitals, both local and national governments pay for that.

Being A Contractor What Can You Do To Have A Contract?

Being A Contractor What Can You Do To Have A Contract

Being a contractor, it is not easy to get included in a big contract. Bigger the contract, the more difficult it is to get into it. Whenever a big project comes.

Before starting construction, the contractors and developers submit proposal bids to compete with other contractors in the area. In this proposal, they have to mention an accurate plan and complete details about that plan.

So that he can win the project. But for winning the project your proposal should be better than your competitors’ proposal. For this, you have to prepare the proposal wisely.

You have to mention the budget, size, and scope of the project. So that one can calculate the estimated money to complete the project. From breaking of ground to completing the build. To make a better and cost-efficient project plan, value engineering can also be used.

Process Of Commercial Construction

Process Of Commercial Construction


Firstly, you have to figure out what the needs of your clients are and what they want. So that you can prepare a rough estimate of how much the project will cost.

It is not possible to make an accurate estimation of the project in the very beginning. However, you should prepare a securing budget for the project.


When you are done with preparing a satisfying budget then you have to prepare a model to show your client. The model would exactly show how the structure would look. You can move on only when your client is happy and satisfied with your design.

That’s why it’s important to have good communication with your clients. Along with it, generally, the workers in commercial construction need to keep good communication with their clients.


After starting the construction, firstly you have to make a proper schedule of workers. However, the schedule and the budget of the project should remain in your control throughout the construction.

And you should have to mention the schedule and budget to your client too. Because if your client needs to change the design then it may affect the schedule and budget too.

Finished Product

When you are about to end the project, before completing it. Ask your client to come and inspect the building properly. So that if he needs any change or wants something extra then you can do that before finalizing it.

Moreover, when your client confirms that he does not want any change. And he is satisfied with your work. Then make sure to settle all the logistics and complete all the documentation. When you are done with all the documents and paperwork. Then you can officially complete and finalize the project.


Commercial construction is a vast field that requires qualifications, skills, and experience. However, no type of construction is easy. But when you are dealing with some bigger projects you may need more skills.

Commercial contractors should make a proper plan before starting the projects. Because in such projects mostly the budget goes out of your control. So, it is better to make a proper plan before starting the project. And work according to it throughout the project.

While working on a commercial project. You should satisfy your client with designing, renovating, and constructing skills. Well, all these things need the experience to give satisfying results. Contact J Ray Construction for more!